Thursday 24 November 2011

Mapped Projection Project

We have just been given a new project. Our assignment is to create a mapped projection to be used to promote the univeristy at the end of year show. After looking through some of the examples on YouTube, I found one in particular that interested me.
 With this as inspiration, I thought it may be a good idea to use a face as an interface to interact with the audience. My initial idea is to have the face form out of the bricks of the NUCA building and then talk to the crowd using live motion capture. The audience can then speak into a microphone to ask it questions and for general chit chat.
This is only an initial idea for a small part of the show. The main problem I think would be the live mocap. From the small amount of research into motion capture I have done, it doesn't look like it could be done in real time, at least not without extremly expensive equipment. I intend upon asking in a forum for answers.
I still need to go to the university, preferably at night. After watching the following video, I noticed that lower light levels made for a much better quality projection.
I only want the face to be the interface the audience uses to access the rest of the show. For example, a member of the audience could ask to see the university's photography work, the photography work will appear on the wall opposite, while the face talks about the pieces and the photographers with a little bit of information on a computer in front of him.

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