Friday 17 February 2012

e-mail to Bioware.

With hopes of answering some questions Google cannot, I have e-mailed Bioware about outsourcing concept artists. Not overly hopeful about receiving an answer in time, but it is worth a try. The e-mail was sent as follows:


I am currently a student in my first year of studying Games Art & Design at university who is currently researching and preparing for a short research report on roles in the games industry. In my research, I have found that one question I have about the role of Concept Artist cannot be answered using the books, magazines, lectures and search engines I have available to me. I am aware that Bioware has Concept Artists on staff and that you have also outsourced to other companies such as Massive Black. If you have Concept Artists on staff, why outsource? Do external companies give you a perspective when looking for the right mood in the game? Or do they provide artwork for early stage proposal documents so as not to swamp staff when they are busy with current projects?

Hope to hear from you soon,
Thank you,

Kai Creedon

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