Sunday 26 February 2012

Finished Draft

I finally completed my roles essay. I found whilst writing that no more research was necessary. Although the paragraph describing the concept artist's role is a little scarce, I believe that it is descriptive enough for a one thousand word essay. The only information I found that needed to be added was information on and Which are equivilant in their usefullness to amateur designers and concept artists in that they allow members to share and discuss their work. gives its members the competition and feedback to improve, while ModDB gives designers people to collaborate with on small game projects.
The only real problem I had was getting the word count down to within 10% of the 1000 word limit. Not including the title, my name, my blog address, citations and references the word count comes to exactly 1100 words.
I am fairly happy with the resulting paper, and believe that I have backed up every point with more than sufficient evidence and references.

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