Thursday 23 February 2012

Run Cycle Finished!

After having a play in the curves editor, I have managed to get most of the shake out of the right leg in the walk cycle by reducing the the movement of the leg on the Z axis. Although the shake is still there, it is small and barely noticable. If time allows I will return to it, otherwise I need to get on with the jump.

I have also finished the run cycle, cleaning up the curves and getting rid of any unnecessary key frames. I have also chosen to keep the hands and arms as they were after the advice of a tutor. Mark, my tutor said that he liked the arms as they were but I should lower the angle of the elbows, as they were the arms looked like they were intentionally moving as opposed to the floppy look I had in mind. Mark also pointed out that, as a run, Moom needs to spend more time in the air with both feet of the ground. With this in mind, i went back to The Animators Survival Kit by Richard Williams and found that Moom lands his front foot on the ground a frame early. After adjusting this, I am still not sure if this will be enough and I, again, will return if time allows. For now I am fairly happy with the run and think that it looks believable and smooth.

As Blogger seems to have trouble having two videos uploaded into one post, I will make a seperate post for the run cycle.

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