Monday 7 May 2012

Door Unwrapping

After finishing the final vine, I decided to deal with the last problem before moving on to UV unwrapping. This problem with the mesh was the bunching up of edge loops caused by the extra geometry need to add the leaf onto the tree. This wouldn't be much of a problem, but the mesh is of a smoother, more organic shape and I would prefer to have only quads on the mesh. Eventually, I decided to delete the entire edge loop up to the leaf itself and then split the, now 5 sided, polygon where the leaf meets the tree in half. This left a tri, so, realising I had just enough space with out causing the edge loops to bunch up again, I created a short edge loop that added an extra vert on the tri, making it a quad. This seems to have had the desired effect.
I next moved on to unwrapping the roots that make up the doorway. Being relatively new to UV Unwrapping I decided to start by faces that made up a visible area and then planar mapping them. Once I had done this with all the polygons I began attaching as many of the shells together as possible to make larger shells that would run smoothing from one to another. Although time consuming and sometimes tedious, I did not find this difficult.
 I am fairly happy with these UVs, although I am a little annoyed that one piece will not attach and stay in scale at the same time (the large piece on the top right). The only reason this annoys me is that it leaves a visible inscision. I am going to have to be careful when texturing not to leave a visible line.

The next thing I unwrapped was the vines. These were especially difficult due to their awekard shape. I figured the best way to do this was to use Automatic Mapping and then straighten up the pieces with the align tools. I then sewed the edges together to make a rectangle, making sure that the edge that was not attached was on the side that is not visible. I then put the ends in the corner of the map, since they are not visible. The mushrooms were fairly easy, The "fruited" mushroom I used Automatic Mapping to create the pieces and then stitched them together so that the incisions could not be seen. The closed cap mushroom I used cylindrical mapping to get the majority of the mesh mapped and then planar mapped the end.
The final thing I needed to Uv was the door. After looking at the Uvs I found that all I needed to do mas manipulate them into a more accurate size.
The only remaining task is to texture, light and render. I have condered making two versions. One that is lower poly and can be taken into a game engine and another that is higher poly and looks smoother.

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